Extra Marital Affairs...Supreme Acts Of Selfishness

Cheating with her best friend

  Marital affairs are still the leading cause of divorce today. Why are we, as a society, plagued with so much marriage infidelity? In times past, if there was an unfaithful spouse, it was always the husband. Today, however, more and more women are unfaithful in their marriages. Why?

  I can't possibly sum up all the reasons people give for cheating on their spouses. To me, it seems that all the excuses they give can be summed up in one word...selfishness. I don't care what the excuse is, it's a selfish nature and a flawed character that drive you to cheat on your spouse.

  Marital affairs are not simply about sex. They can't possibly be. Sure, sex is a component. But you can already have sex whenever you want...you're married. No, it's not that simple.

  Marital affairs are about you not wanting to control your body and your urges. You act without regard for your spouse, your family...without regard for anything except satisfying your base desires. That sounds like a selfish person, right?

  Let's define selfish. According to Dictionary.com, selfish means "devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others." There you have the driving force behind marital affairs. Plain and simple. And it all boils down to a choice you make.

  You make countless choices every day. You also face dilemmas in your marriage that require you to make decisions. And make no mistake...each choice or decision you make has consequences, either good or bad.

  You are where you are today because of the choices you've made in the past. The same principle applies to your marriage...you're going through the things you're going through now because of the decisions you've made.

  If you have a good marriage, you've made good choices that have protected and nourished your relationship. If you have a bad marriage, you've made bad choices that have opened it up to division and strife. For instance, if you've chosen to honour your vows and remain faithful to your spouse, you're enjoying a good marriage and a tight bond with your mate.

  You're happy because your spouse trusts you unconditionally and feels secure in the relationship. When your spouse feels secure, they open up to you and you get to see and experience every beautiful aspect of their personality. They lose their inhibitions and insecurities because you've shown that you love, value and protect them and your life together.

  Now, the reverse can be said if you've chosen to dishonour your vows...if you've chosen to participate in marital affairs. You're reaping a bad marriage that's full of tension. You're miserable because your spouse doesn't trust you and questions your every move.