extended family

Family is a very important institution in our society, it keeps us together and united. In fact if family system is compromised and divided community is next on the line, then the nation and world. Family in its set up varies from place to place according to the beliefs and perception of the people. Take for example in Europe family isn’t as big. It could be considered to be only parents and children and grandparents. But in Africa family is very big, it has many members’ parents, children, grandparents, grand children, cousins, uncles, aunties, nieces and nephews. It’s something greatly big, when all its members have been gathered it’s called family tree.
In Africa family was very unique and dignified. All these members I have mention could often stay together in one home or compound. Or even if they could be distant they would still be in unit, working together, helping and caring for each other. If parents died and left children orphaned, the children would be taken care and responsibility over by uncles and aunties within the families. Never could they be helpless and go in live the streets. Extended family relieved the streets of the burden of hosting street kids and edged people.
But today Africa has lost this strong and large family system. It has trimmed down most of its members only to remain with father, mother and children. Even uncles and uncles have lost their important regard in it, not to talk about these others. And the effect of this has been so immense and extensive. That African street has started hosting alarming numbers of street kids and edged people. No longer are we our brothers keepers today, no longer are we orphan keepers. We have lost extended family system thus things are going seriously wrong more and more. We need to go back to it otherwise will be in danger.