Equal Square

Death share, life share, all fair
It sure isn't fair
For death and life, are like a square
Life comes with a nine months notice
Death comes like a playing mantis
It plays and preys on its host
When you gone, makes merry and a toast
Making you leave all that you had
Death ain't friendly as it makes the bereaved sad
While you gone
Those left be looking forward to the day it will be dawn
When death is erased and forever gone
To God we plead, let death cease
Looking forward till the day it’ll be at ease
For death's never been fair
Life and living have I found fair
Yet they all get an equal share
Truthfully, death and life don't make a good pair
Surely Death's Not Fair
Life Really So Fair
It sure isn't fair
For death and life, are like a square
Life comes with a nine months notice
Death comes like a playing mantis
It plays and preys on its host
When you gone, makes merry and a toast
Making you leave all that you had
Death ain't friendly as it makes the bereaved sad
While you gone
Those left be looking forward to the day it will be dawn
When death is erased and forever gone
To God we plead, let death cease
Looking forward till the day it’ll be at ease
For death's never been fair
Life and living have I found fair
Yet they all get an equal share
Truthfully, death and life don't make a good pair
Surely Death's Not Fair
Life Really So Fair