Many people have quit education [school] to peruse their talents, and on the other hand many have quit their talent to peruse education. And I’m wondering how these two things, education and talent relate to each other. I also tried to figure out which one is more important than the other.
One time as I walked from home into town I happened to overhear two boys talking about school. The other one was telling the friend that school rather education is worthless. That it only corrupts one’s mind and wastes their time. He insisted that education shouldn’t be perused but talent must be. To him it was unwise to spend such a long time in school at the expense of embracing self-creativity and ingenuity to make money and earn a living. How many support that point of view.
The other boy disagreed though not strongly. He tried the best he could to defend the view that education was not inferior, or less important than talent. That it wasn’t a time wasting but a prosperous endeavor. He mentioned these points in a disfigured and weak way. How many support that point of view. And the two boys talked on that topic for a long time, how I wish I had joined them to give my opinion.
Between quitters of education for the sake of talent and quitters of talent for the sake of education which ones are on the right truck? I know you want to hear my opinion; sorry I have exercised my right to keep quiet lest some of you will accuse me of misleading them. No, I think my opinion is too important and I must give it, you must trust and take it because men like me always give wise opinions called educated opinions. These two things education and talent must go together; none of them should be sacrificed for the other. These things supplement and complement each other, in other words they perfect each other.
I urge the young boys and girls to stay in school and go as far as they can with it while working on their talents and inborn abilities. In fact it’s best if you pursue an education course which is in line with your talents. I have said what I suppose to I have done my job.I your faithful servant the reformist.