Dentist Who Killed Cecil The Lion, Returns To Work

Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer, the American who hunted down and killed Zimbabwe's beloved Cecil the Lion, returned to work on 8th September, 2015. The dentist walked into his Bloomington dental office surrounded by reporters, security amid calls for his extradition.

Palmer, who was forced to stay out of the public eye to allow the international outrage of the hunt boil over, recently told reporters that he maintains the hunt was legal. The 55-year-old added that he and his fellow hunt party participants did not know that the lion they hunted was the star 13-year-old lion.

Palmer told reporters that his patients and staff members at River Bluff Dental requested he return to his practice. "I have a lot of staff members at River Bluff Dental. I'm a little heartbroken at the disruption in their lives, and I'm a health professional," he said.

"I need to get back to treating my patients," Palmer continued. "My staff and my patients support me, and they want me back. That's why I'm back." Palmer arrived in his office at around 7am local time with a modest police presence nearby.

One protester, 49-year-old Veronique Lamb of Brussels, told reporters that she was protesting Palmer's return to work "like nothing happened." Lamb said, "He did something really bad and he really knows it. Hopefully this has opened the eyes of people to this horrible business. It's very sad."

Source: International Business Times