Coffee causes irritability

A medical report suggests that consuming 500-600 mg of caffeine a day may cause insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, an upset stomach, a fast heartbeat, and muscle trauma.
The medical news Today reports on its site www.medical news today reports that consuming 300 mg a day during pregnancy may increase the risk of low weight birth babies while other research suggests that drinking four cups of coffee a day may increase the risk of early death.
The site reports that individuals with anxiety disorders are more susceptible to the anxio
anxiogenic effects of caffeine.
“Caffeine can also metabolize at different rates among individuals for various reasons,” the online journal quotes a doctor.
The medical journal says cigarette smokers metabolize caffeine at twice as fast as non smokers.
The medical journal also says caffeine metabolism is slower in infants, pregnant women and individuals with liver disease.
Medical News also says majority pediatricians advise that children and adolescents should avoid caffeine consumption because it is not known how excessive caffeine intake impacts the developing brain.
“Some laboratory research suggests that caffeine interferes with sleep and learning among adolescents ,which in turn, hinders neurological development, that is noticeable into adulthood,” the journal quotes a Dr. Meredith.
The journal also says some psychologists were also concerned that a pattern of caffeine use or abuse among young people may lead to subsequent problematic drug and alcohol abuse..
The medical news Today reports on its site www.medical news today reports that consuming 300 mg a day during pregnancy may increase the risk of low weight birth babies while other research suggests that drinking four cups of coffee a day may increase the risk of early death.
The site reports that individuals with anxiety disorders are more susceptible to the anxio
anxiogenic effects of caffeine.
“Caffeine can also metabolize at different rates among individuals for various reasons,” the online journal quotes a doctor.
The medical journal says cigarette smokers metabolize caffeine at twice as fast as non smokers.
The medical journal also says caffeine metabolism is slower in infants, pregnant women and individuals with liver disease.
Medical News also says majority pediatricians advise that children and adolescents should avoid caffeine consumption because it is not known how excessive caffeine intake impacts the developing brain.
“Some laboratory research suggests that caffeine interferes with sleep and learning among adolescents ,which in turn, hinders neurological development, that is noticeable into adulthood,” the journal quotes a Dr. Meredith.
The journal also says some psychologists were also concerned that a pattern of caffeine use or abuse among young people may lead to subsequent problematic drug and alcohol abuse..