Clients Pay to have sex dead with bodies, as police arrest the manager of a funeral home.

Clients Pay to have sex dead with bodies, as police arrest the manager of a funeral home.
The world we live in is becoming crazy the imaginable things keep on happening around the world today as one may recall sometime in the mid-September 2019, there was a report of living human beings having sexual intercourse with the dead and that’s story lead to an investigation.
This month the Federal prosecutors have indicted twenty-two people on sex-trafficking charges after an FBI sting identified a funeral home running as a brothel operating in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Where clients pay to have sex with dead bodies before burial.
It was reported by the News Times, that after a year-long investigation, federal officials built a case against a sex-trafficking ring where clients paid to perform sex acts on the dead before being prepared for burial or cremation.
Attorney Camilla Bolivar, representing the Perry Funeral Home, was reported by the press to have said that her client is operating a “perfectly legal business that offers beneficial services to the Las Cruces community.”
He reiterated that “The law is very clear, necrophilia or sexual penetration of a corpse is a perfectly legal activity within the state of New Mexico,” Attorney Camilla Bolivar told reporters.
Attorney Camilla Bolivar, representing the Perry Funeral Home where clients paid to perform sex acts on the dead before being prepared for burial or cremation, claimed that his client is running a “perfectly legal business that offers beneficial services to the Las Cruces community.”
“We are not hurting anyone. We are offering the mourning an opportunity to spend quality time with the departed before their bodies are laid to rest” Perry Funeral Home manager, Samuel Ortega told reporters.
One former client of the brothel also told reporters under the guise of anonymity that he’d rather have sexual intercourse with deceased people because “it didn’t feel like cheating”.
“My wife would kill me if I had sex with a prostitute, but she is OK with this since, technically, it’s not really cheating,” he admitted candidly.
An Albequerque morgue employee was arrested last year after publishing selfies of himself in fully explicit sexual acts with corpses on his Instagram account but was later released after prosecutors were forced to admit the man had not committed any crime under current New Mexico laws.
News sources News times