Christmas Records 99 Traffic Accidents,13 Deaths.

At least thirteen people are reported to have died in the 99 road traffic accidents that have been recorded countrywide during this Christmas period. Another thirteen are reported to have been seriously injured while twenty six are said to have sustained minor injuries. Zambia Police deputy spokesperson Ray Hamoonga has disclosed that the recorded accidents occurred between 24th and 26th of December. Mr. Hamoonga says that out of the 99 Road Traffic Accidents forty three were reported from Lusaka Province while the Copperbelt province was the second highest with twenty four accidents recorded and Southern province having recorded fifteen accidents. The Central province had seven accidents with Luapula province recording three accidents while Western, Northern, Eastern and North Western provinces had two reported accidents each. According to Police Deputy spokesperson,causes of the accidents that happened during this period were improper overtaking, failing to keep to the near side, over speeding and improper crossing of roads by pedestrians. And Mr Hamoonga notes that the 2014 Christmas Holiday has recorded a reduction in the number of road traffic accident reported as compared to 2013 where 166 cases were recorded. He says despite the reduction in the number of accidents in 2014 the country has however recorded an increase in the number of fatalities compared to the eight deaths recorded in 2013 during the same period. Mr. Hamoonga has appealed to all road users to strictly adhere to traffic rules and regulations during the festive season and beyond in order to avoid loss of lives.