Chlorine causes cancer,stroke,heart disease

An online journal has revealed that chlorine in water causes cancer ,heart disease, and stroke .

The Global Healing Center journal quotes the US Council of Environmental Quality saying cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water was 93 percent higher than among those whose water did not contain chlorine.

The journal says Dr. Joseph Price had also written in the sixties that heart attacks and stroke resulted from chlorine.

“When chlorine is added to our drinking water, it combines with other natural compounds to form Trihalomethanes (Chlorination byproducts).These chlorine byproducts trigger the production of free radicals in the body ,causing cell damage ,and are highly carcinogenic,” the journal says.

The journal describes chlorine as a pesticide which destroys tissue in human bodies ,saying its sole purpose is to kill living organisms.

The report quotes Dr. Robert Carlson, a highly respected University of Minnesota researcher whose work was sponsored by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency as claiming that the chlorine problem was similar to that of air pollution.

“Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times!” the journal quotes Dr. Carlson.

It further says breast cancer had been linked to the accumulation of chlorine compounds in breast tissue.

The report says according to a study carried out in Hartford Connecticut women with breast cancer had 50 to 60 percent higher levels of chlorination byproducts(organochlorines) in their breast tissue than women without breast cancer.

The journal further says the shocker about the studies was that 2/3s of harmful exposure to chlorine was due to inhalation of steam and skin absorption while showering.

“The steam we inhale while showering can contain up to fifty times the level of chemicals than tap water due to the fact that chlorine and most other contaminants vaporize much faster and at a lower temperature than water,” the journal explains.

It says chlorine could cause asthma in children and that in a research with rats, chlorine caused kidney and intestinal tumors in the little animals.

And in another research with chickens it was discovered that those which had been exposed to chlorine were less healthier than the ones taking water without chlorine.
“The group raised with chlorine ,when autopsied, showed some level of heart and circulatory disease in every specimen,” the journal says.