children respect your parents

Let’s respect our parents they are our earthly gods. Nowadays the profound traditional quality of respecting parents is quickly dying. Children of today have marginalized the role and responsibility of parents in their lives. They would rather respect friends, and hear their advice than seat and hear from parents. They became too busy with phones and computers, having fun instead of being home helping their parents work. That all important, parent – children day to day interaction has been massively compromised. And that respect accorded to parents by children is gone which isn’t good. The question is who is to blame for that?
Firstly you’ll note that parents are the first people to impart things in children. They are the ones we get our first knowledge, guided and unguided from. And in that time they must work hard to show and teach us the right ways of life, teach us good manners, values, and virtues. To do that, they have tools they use; the mouth, with the mouth they tell/order us to do the good and not to do the bad.The hands, with hands they carry, pull and push us, sometimes beat us. In olden days many parents used sticks to weep children.
As children grow on the interaction base expands, neighbors, school mates, friends get involved. They begin to cast an influence on them. The things they see and learn from the environment take effect as well. This is a crucial time and parents must be more mindful because the children at this stage are vulnerable. They can easily be spoiled, deluded, deceived and be misled. Even their conduct as parents matters, if they are drunkard, or if they aren’t morally upright children may imitate.
Nowadays it’s at this same stage that children begin to loose respect for their parents. They don’t listen to their advice rather they listen to their peers. They became too busy with things such as phones, computers, radios, etc. And because their discretion is immature they end up being spoiled.
Parents remember you are earthly gods. Bring [train] up your children in a Godly way, thus your duty. Children respect your parents; listen to their advice and heed.