Cadres harass Lukulu Radio

Cadres from a named political party have harassed Lukulu Radio journalists.

MISA Zambia posted on its Facebook page yesterday that the station had roughed up some people’s feathers since its inception in 2013.

It hailed the voice of the voiceless which had been welcomed by the residents of Lukulu , adding that the fledgling station was faced by many challenges.

“But to overcome this management has engaged in various activities promoting the station’s sustainability,” reads the post.

MISA says the station had bought farmland and sought more land to construct houses to lease out.

“…purchase of a mini-bus is the pipeline for transporting people within the district,” the post says.

It says plans were underway to establish Lukulu Development Foundation to help raise funds for the radio station.

The post says the foundation would involve Lukulu people scattered all over the country and in the diaspora to help sustain the station.