Boko Hara strikes again

Boko haram opened fire on Northern Nigeria villages ,leaving bodies scattered every where and as many as 2,000 people dead.Amnesty internation said in a statement , Islamist millitants sprayed bullets as they stormed in the area of Buga.

''Dead bodies litter the bushes in the areas for burials '' said Musa Bukar, the chairman of the local government where Buga is located.

Boko haram has terrorised Northern Nigeria regularly since 2009, attacking police, schools, churches, and civillians and bombing government buildings. it has also kidnapped school girls who where abducted in April and remain missing .

The islamic group has said it's main aim is to impose a sticker form of sharia law across Nigeria ,which is spilt between the majority muselum north and a mostly christian south.

The United states has condemned the attacks, saying the group ''shows no regards for human life''. And it has said that those resposible should take action of there dirty works of destroying innocent lives.