a very successful self-made Entrepreneur

a very successful self-made Entrepreneur
By Ricky Mwakwa
A Japan based Zambian and self-made Japan based entrepreneur who started out just as a general worker in a small factory in Hiroshima after nine straight years has risen to Chairman in a very renowned Japanese firm.
Emphasizing that his identity be kept anonymous, he has risen from just another foreigner excelling in a strange land, far from home, to the biggest figure with a lot of Japanese men and women under him. He started out just as any other ordinary person, dirty looking when at work, oil-stained working suits, struggling with the language and sorts, but with unshaken focus and unwavering determination has made it to the very top.
The self-made Entrepreneur now moves with his own sophisticated entourage that tails him wherever he goes. He has his own chauffeur. The expression “from rags to riches” to him really applies.
There has been countless times when he has had it bad when it came to life abroad, but he stood his ground and now he humbly laughs in the face of failure and defeat.
Nine years ago he used to struggle with life as he worked day in and day out, day and night shifts, giving in to the mockery of his department’s superiors, doing all sorts of dirty work that the natives never did. Little did of them know that somehow he strategized his life so perfectly in hope that one day some of them would be applying for jobs at his new company.
Momentarily he owns seven hospitals; golf cost, designs his own clothes, a major shareholder in multiple corporations and recently built a 64 story building in Osaka.
He now resides in Osaka and is always driven everywhere he goes. He wants to educate and innovate young Zambians to learn from how one can turn life around with shear will. “I never gave up, not even for an hour, now I am a very successful entrepreneur and I have been raised to Chairman.” He said. He confesses that all he had was determination and focus to get where he is. Whenever he got paid he never rushed to take a break and suavely enjoy himself, but, on the contrary, he waited for right moment. And surely, for him that moment came in time.