A happily ever after takes two(adapted from a real life love story)

I can’t forget the way I felt when I heard your voice over the phone for the very first time. It was mind-blowing and captivating for me. I wanted to listen to your voice every day, and I did. I remember the first time I saw you and the first day I held you in my arms. It was like seeing a regular girl on an online webpage that I was interested to become friends with and then some. But when I saw you face to face and held your hand and then hugging you in a crowded place, it felt like I was all alone with you and nobody around, the whole world around me disappeared in front of me. You became the only thing that existed in front of my eyes. Something that still remains true. Most people call it ‘being under a spell’, ‘under a charm’, ‘bewitched’ or worse yet, ‘blown away’. All I could see was you in your brown dress, long hair (which I couldn’t tell whether Chinese, Korean or Indian; probably Indian hair because it’s kind of the best on African women), brown high heels, an enchanting smile, sexy and amazing body, and long hair. When I saw you, time kind of stopped because I couldn’t think, see or feel anything else except you. Life itself became a fourth dimensional experience to me such that your being took over my entire existence since. You became my life. I don’t want to give you a wrong impression, you gave me what I always needed, love and affection. This is what I came for, this is what I came to exist for, to have the honor to be loved by you. I will be the best you will ever have because I have got the best I can ever have. My love for you is inexorable and it is enough to take us into our happily ever after, as long as you are game and say yes to it by owning up to your very first YES. Indeed, a happily ever after takes two. I love you.